Chevron Archive - Merete USA
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[wpterms id="21226"] OP-Video Surgical Technique E-IFU MetaFix™ BLP™   Locking plate for Hallux-Valgus interventions through proximal chevron, crescentic and closing or open wedge osteotomies as well as TMT1 and MTP1 fusion procedures The BLP™ Plate is an anatomically shaped U-oblique locking plate that adapts the proximal curvature of the first...

[wpterms id="21226"] OP-Video Surgical Technique E-IFU MetaFix™ I   The proven angle-stable system for hallux valgus correction MetaFix™ I locking plates are used in moderate and sever Hallux Valgus interventions to fuse proximal chevron, opening or closing wedge or cresecentic osteotomies as well as TMT1 and MTP1 fusion procedures. [vc_row row_type="row"...